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Two years and a venere rice salad… It’s been two years already since I started with this blog! I feel the temptation to use that overused phrase “time flies”, but it’s true, it flies. Apart from having the feeling that these past 24 months have gone way too fast, the truth is that I feel very lucky, because all the changes that have to do with the blog, since August last year, have been positive.

Back then thanks to the blog, I had already been asked to create recipes for companies, but opportunities have multiplied in the past 12 months. Some collaborations have been only temporary, like one with a pasta bar in my town, and others have been on a more regular basis, with me managing social networks and online marketing and photographing dishes. This is what I do now, for example, for two restaurants, one Asian and another Mexican.

I have also collaborated and still do, with food brands, developing recipes, something I love. You get a product and you have to imagine and create something unique or produce a beautiful image with food and write an anecdote or story on the blog. I’ve done this for companies both in Galicia, from the rest of Spain and even companies in Ireland or Italy! I could have never imagined this just one year ago. I can’t wait to see what the coming months will bring!

So, just like I did last year with the (Greek) Saganaki recipe, I have a new recipe for you. This time: Venere rice salad, an Italian delicious black rice. This dish reminds me of all the summers I have spent in Italy, where it is very common at this time of year. It is good rice, that will remain al dente, and that you can have with different ingredients. I hope you enjoy this recipe and don’t forget, if you have any questions, you can do so in the comments below.


INGREDIENTS for two people 

For the salad

120 gr (½ cup) Venere rice

A dozen king prawns

One carrot

One small yellow pepper

Half a zucchini

Half a cucumber


For the dressing

A handful of fresh parsley

The juice of half a lemon

2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

An ice cube

Salt and pink pepper



Start with the king prawns, so remove the heads and intestines, the way you do normally. Boil them for approximately two minutes, not more than that, then strain them, let cool, and remove the shell.

In a different pot, heat water, and cook the rice without letting it boil. It will take about 40-45 minutes for it to be al dente.

While you cook the rice, let’s prepare the vegetables and dressing. Take the yellow pepper, carrot, cucumber, and zucchini, and julienne them.

Now, put the parsley, fresh lemon juice, a small ice cube, extra virgin olive oil, salt, pink pepper, and blend. You should end up with a relatively thick sauce. Pour it into a bowl, add the vegetables and mix. Strain the rice and add it to the veggies bowl, place the king prawns on top. Mix.

Buon appetito!



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