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Christmas is over and I needed to return to my healthy rutine and prepare delicious dinner ideas as this zucchini carpaccio. Super easy and quick is perfect for a light dinner or as a sidedish. I prepare it with Grana Padano cheese, cherries, and pine nuts I always buy at Gadis Supermercados

INGREDIENTS for one person

One medium zucchini

About 10 cherry tomatoes

Grana Padano cheese or another one of your preference

A bit of extra virgin olive oil

The juice of half a lemon

Salt to taste


With a sharp knife or a mandoline cut the zucchini into thin strips. Transfer them to dish. 

Now, in a small bowl mix the olive oil, salt, and lemon juice. I added the same amount of olive oil than lemon juice. Pour it over the zucchini and combine. Transfer to the fridge for an hour. 

Then place the zucchini in a serving dish, cut the cherrys in two, grate the cheese, and add it to the mix. Last, the pinenuts and buon appetito with this zucchini carpaccio.


Another healthy idea with zucchini here


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