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The blog turns one year this month! It’s incredible how fast time went by as I still remember very well the excitement I felt when the web designer told me it was ready to start to post.

I was already making food photography and together with the passion I have for Mediterranean countries’ cuisine, the next step of taking off a blog seemed logical.

I made it official announcing a peach jam recipe on Instagram and Facebook but I really wanted to show it with more recipes already on it so I posted a ricotta and limoncello cake, a sweet pea soup with parmigiano, a cooking class I made in a farm in Greece and a New York cheesecake.

Month after month the number of visits has been growing since then and I cannot be happier for this. Also, in the last months I started new collaborations and participated in promotions thanks to it. In such little time!

Also I would like to give a huge thank you to everyone who has believed in my experience to help them as a recipe developer, food photographer, and promoter of their brands.

And last but not least, I would also like to thank you for reading my posts, try my recipes and write to tell me how much you liked them. You who read me every week already know my passion for traveling and that Greece is one of my favourite countries. I have already mentioned this wonderful country several times here and it’s from there where this recipe comes from: a shellfish saganaki.

Coming from Galicia myself, could have I chosen other ingredients to celebrate the first anniversary of the blog? In Greece this dish usually is served just with shrimps but I decided to rich the recipe with several shellfish after eating one exactly like this last summer in Rhodes.

INGREDIENTS for 4 people

2.5 kg tomatoes (or 13 tomatoes)

800 gr king prawns (or 10)

500 gr (1 pound) clams

500 gr (1 pound) mussels

250 gr (1 cup) feta cheese, crumbed

2 garlic cloves

1 sweet onion, chopped

Half of a chilli pepper, chopped

Extra virgin olive oil

Salt and pepper to taste

Ouzo, if desired.



Wash the tomatoes, make a cross in the skin and blanch them in a big pot. Then, drain them and allow to cool. Remove the skin and set aside.

Clean well the clams of sand, wash the mussels shells under water and remove their byssus. Now clean the king prawns, taking off their shell and removing their black intestine. Set aside.

Sauté the onion and garlic with the olive oil in a wide pot on a medium heat. Then add the chilli pepper and a few minutes later the shellfish.

If you would like your saganaki as made in Greece then pour in the ouzo and once the alcohol is cooked off, add the tomatoes and squash them a bit with the help of a wooden spoon. Remove well and five minutes later add the salt and pepper to taste. Then the feta, mix well and…

…buon appetito!


Photography & Stylism: Carlota Fariña

More on Instagram: @carlotafarina



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