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Dear readers of this blog… happy fall! So, here we are again, time really goes by! Well, the thing is that by one hand I am sad as summer has officially ended but by another hand, I also love this season. It’s not too cold in my town and because it’s the pumpkin and wild mushroom period!

If you read this blog from the beginning, you probably know already I am a big fan of these since you can find several recipes on this blog.  For example, a pumpkin risotto or a delicious butternut soup great for cold days.

The one I am suggesting today it’s a recipe I love to prepare in fall. Usually, I bake it just with black tea, but this time I found this Chai Tea at Gadis Supermercados, so I wanted to try a new version… and it’s so delicious!

This recipe is about a super spongy cake thanks to the pure Irish butter I use, called KerryGold, which by the way you can also find it at Gadis. It has an intense flavor thanks to the Chai tea and the mix with aromatic spices as cinnamon, ginger, clove, star anise, cardamom, chicory root, and black pepper.

It’s time then! I’m writing the recipe right now below these words and I’m going to pick up another piece of cake! Yummy!


INGREDIENTS for a 31 x 13 x 9 cm mould / 12 x 5 x 3,5 inch mould 

380 gr (3 ⅜ cups) all-purpose flour

300 gr (1 ½ cups) cane sugar

240 ml (1 cup) whole milk

215 gr (1 cup) unsalted pure butter

16 gr (1 tbsp) baking powder

6 Chai Tea bags

4 eggs



Preheat the oven at 160ºC (320ºF). In a small saucepan or pot, pour the milk, heat it at medium heat (it shouldn’t boil) and put the tea bags inside. Leave them there for 15 minutes. Then, remove the tea bags and allow to cool completely.

In a medium bowl break the eggs and beat them with the sugar for about 5 minutes.

In another bowl sift the flour and baking powder, then add the eggs, later the butter and last the milk. Mix well.

Now add the remaining flour and baking powder. Combine well. Allow to rest for at least 30 minutes and then bake 30-35 min, or more if your oven requires so.


Buon appetito!


***This recipe is an adaptation from “Torta da tè… al quadrato” by Barbara Tosselli.




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